Custom Optimizer
In this article, we describe how to make your custom optimizer
— FunctionCustomOptimizer(opt::Function, name::String)
creates a custom optimizer with struct name name
. For example, we can integrate Optim.jl
with ADCME
by constructing a new optimizer
CustomOptimizer("Con") do f, df, c, dc, x0, x_L, x_U
opt = Opt(:LD_MMA, length(x0))
bd = zeros(length(x0)); bd[end-1:end] = [-Inf, 0.0]
opt.lower_bounds = bd
opt.xtol_rel = 1e-4
opt.min_objective = (x,g)->(g[:]= df(x); return f(x)[1])
inequality_constraint!(opt, (x,g)->( g[:]= dc(x);c(x)[1]), 1e-8)
(minf,minx,ret) = NLopt.optimize(opt, x0)
∘ f
: a function that returns $f(x)$
∘ df
: a function that returns $\nabla f(x)$
∘ c
: a function that returns the constraints $c(x)$
∘ dc
: a function that returns $\nabla c(x)$
∘ x0
: initial guess
∘ nineq
: number of inequality constraints
∘ neq
: number of equality constraints
∘ x_L
: lower bounds of optimizable variables
∘ x_U
: upper bounds of optimizable variables
Then we can create an optimizer with
opt = Con(loss, inequalities=[c1], equalities=[c2])
To trigger the optimization, use
minimize(opt, sess)
Note thanks to the global variable scope of Julia, step_callback
, optimizer_kwargs
can actually be passed from Julia environment directly.
We will show here a few examples of custom optimizer. These examples can be cast to your specific applications.
Ipopt Custom Optimizer
For a concrete example, let us consider using Ipopt as a constrained optimization optimizer.
using Ipopt
using ADCME
IPOPT = CustomOptimizer() do f, df, c, dc, x0, x_L, x_U
n_variables = length(x0)
nz = length(dc(x0))
m = div(nz, n_variables) # Number of constraints
g_L, g_U = [-Inf;-Inf], [0.0;0.0]
function eval_jac_g(x, mode, rows, cols, values)
if mode == :Structure
rows[1] = 1; cols[1] = 1
rows[2] = 1; cols[2] = 1
rows[3] = 2; cols[3] = 1
rows[4] = 2; cols[4] = 1
nele_jac = 0 # Number of non-zeros in Jacobian
prob = Ipopt.createProblem(n_variables, x_L, x_U, m, g_L, g_U, nz, nele_jac,
f, (x,g)->(g[:]=c(x)), (x,g)->(g[:]=df(x)), eval_jac_g, nothing)
addOption(prob, "hessian_approximation", "limited-memory")
addOption(prob, "max_iter", 100)
addOption(prob, "print_level", 2) # 0 -- 15, the larger the number, the more detailed the information
prob.x = x0
status = Ipopt.solveProblem(prob)
reset_default_graph() # be sure to reset graph before any optimization
x = Variable([1.0;1.0])
x1 = x[1]; x2 = x[2];
loss = x2
g = x1
h = x1*x1 + x2*x2 - 1
opt = IPOPT(loss, inequalities=[g], equalities=[h], var_to_bounds=Dict(x=>(-1.0,1.0)))
sess = Session(); init(sess)
minimize(opt, sess)
Here is a detailed description of the code
has signature
function createProblem(
n::Int, # Number of variables
x_L::Vector{Float64}, # Variable lower bounds
x_U::Vector{Float64}, # Variable upper bounds
m::Int, # Number of constraints
g_L::Vector{Float64}, # Constraint lower bounds
g_U::Vector{Float64}, # Constraint upper bounds
nele_jac::Int, # Number of non-zeros in Jacobian
nele_hess::Int, # Number of non-zeros in Hessian
eval_f, # Callback: objective function
eval_g, # Callback: constraint evaluation
eval_grad_f, # Callback: objective function gradient
eval_jac_g, # Callback: Jacobian evaluation
eval_h = nothing) # Callback: Hessian evaluation
Typically $\nabla c(x)$ is a $m\times n$ sparse matrix, where $m$ is the number of constraints, $n$ is the number of variables.
nz = length(dc(x0))
computes the number of nonzeros in the Jacobian matrix.g_L
specify the constraint lower and upper bounds: $g_L \leq c(x) \leq g_U$. If $g_L=g_U=0$, the constraint is reduced to equality constraint. Each of the parameters should have the same length as the number of variables, i.e., $n$eval_jac_g
has two modes. In theStructure
mode, as we mentioned, the constraint $\nabla c(x)$ is a sparse matrix, and therefore we should specify the nonzero pattern of the sparse matrix inrow
. However, in our application, we usually assume a dense Jacobian matrix, and therefore, we can always use the following code forStructure
k = 1 for i = 1:div(nz, n_variables) for j = 1:n_variables rows[k] = i cols[k] = j k += 1 end end
For the other mode,
simply assign values to the array.We can add optimions to the Ipopt optimizer via
. See here for a full list of available options.To add callbacks, you can simply refactor your functions
, ordc
NLopt Custom Optimizer
Here is an example of using NLopt for optimization.
using ADCME
using NLopt
p = ones(10)
Con = CustomOptimizer() do f, df, c, dc, x0, x_L, x_U
opt = Opt(:LD_MMA, length(x0))
opt.upper_bounds = 10ones(length(x0))
opt.lower_bounds = zeros(length(x0))
opt.lower_bounds[end-1:end] = [-Inf, 0.0]
opt.xtol_rel = 1e-4
opt.min_objective = (x,g)->(g[:]= df(x); return f(x)[1])
inequality_constraint!(opt, (x,g)->( g[:]= dc(x);c(x)[1]), 1e-8)
(minf,minx,ret) = NLopt.optimize(opt, x0)
reset_default_graph() # be sure to reset the graph before any operation
x = Variable([1.234; 5.678])
y = Variable([1.0;2.0])
loss = x[2]^2 + sum(y^2)
c1 = (x[1]-1)^2 - x[2]
opt = Con(loss, inequalities=[c1])
sess = Session(); init(sess)
xmin = run(sess, x) # expected: (1., 0.)
Here is the detailed explanation
NLopt solver takes the following parameters
algorithm stopval # stop minimizing when an objective value ≤ stopval is found ftol_rel ftol_abs xtol_rel xtol_abs constrtol_abs maxeval maxtime initial_step # a vector, initial step size population seed vector_storage # number of "remembered gradients" in algorithms such as "quasi-Newton" lower_bounds upper_bounds
For a full list of optimization algorithms, see NLopt algorithms.
You can provide upper and lower bounds either via
or insideCustomOptimizer
Drop-in Substitutes of BFGS!
The following codes are for unconstrained optimizattion of BFGS!
optimizer. Copy and execute the following code to have access to IPOPT!
using PyCall
using Ipopt
using ADCME
function IPOPT!(sess::PyObject, loss::PyObject, max_iter::Int64=15000;
verbose::Int64=0, vars::Array{PyObject}=PyObject[],
callback::Union{Function, Nothing}=nothing, kwargs...)
losses = Float64[]
loss_ = 0
cnt_ = -1
iter_ = 0
IPOPT = CustomOptimizer() do f, df, c, dc, x0, x_L, x_U
n_variables = length(x0)
nz = length(dc(x0))
m = div(nz, n_variables) # Number of constraints
# g_L, g_U = [-Inf;-Inf], [0.0;0.0]
g_L = Float64[]
g_U = Float64[]
function eval_jac_g(x, mode, rows, cols, values); end
function eval_f(x)
loss_ = f(x)
iter_ += 1
if iter_==1
push!(losses, loss_)
if !isnothing(callback)
callback(run(sess, vars), cnt_, loss_)
println("iter $iter_, current loss= $loss_")
return loss_
function eval_g(x, g)
if cnt_>=1
push!(losses, loss_)
if !isnothing(callback)
callback(run(sess, vars), cnt_, loss_)
cnt_ += 1
if cnt_>=1
println("================ ITER $cnt_ ===============")
nele_jac = 0 # Number of non-zeros in Jacobian
prob = Ipopt.createProblem(n_variables, x_L, x_U, m, g_L, g_U, nz, nele_jac,
eval_f, (x,g)->(), eval_g, eval_jac_g, nothing)
addOption(prob, "hessian_approximation", "limited-memory")
addOption(prob, "max_iter", max_iter)
addOption(prob, "print_level", verbose) # 0 -- 15, the larger the number, the more detailed the information
prob.x = x0
status = Ipopt.solveProblem(prob)
if status == 0
printstyled(Ipopt.ApplicationReturnStatus[status],"\n", color=:green)
printstyled(Ipopt.ApplicationReturnStatus[status],"\n", color=:red)
opt = IPOPT(loss; kwargs...)
minimize(opt, sess)
return losses
The usage is exactly the same as BFGS!
. Therefore, you can simply replace BFGS!
to Ipopt
. For example
x = Variable(rand(10))
loss = sum((x-0.6)^2 + (x^2-2x+0.8)^4)
cb = (vs, i, l)->println("$i, $l")
sess = Session(); init(sess)
IPOPT!(sess, loss, vars=[x], callback = cb)
Likewise, NLOPT!
also has the dropin substitute of BFGS!
using ADCME
using NLopt
using PyCall
function NLOPT!(sess::PyObject, loss::PyObject, max_iter::Int64=15000;
algorithm::Union{Symbol, Enum} = :LD_LBFGS, vars::Array{PyObject}=PyObject[],
callback::Union{Function, Nothing}=nothing, kwargs...)
losses = Float64[]
iter_ = 0
NLOPT = CustomOptimizer() do f, df, c, dc, x0, x_L, x_U
opt = Opt(algorithm, length(x0))
opt.upper_bounds = x_U
opt.lower_bounds = x_L
opt.maxeval = max_iter
opt.min_objective = (x,g)->begin
g[:]= df(x);
iter_ += 1
l = f(x)[1]
println("================ ITER $iter_ ===============")
println("current loss= $l")
push!(losses, l)
if !isnothing(callback)
callback(run(sess, vars), iter_, l)
return f(x)[1]
(minf,minx,ret) = NLopt.optimize(opt, x0)
opt = NLOPT(loss; kwargs...)
minimize(opt, sess)
return losses
For example
x = Variable(rand(10))
loss = sum((x-0.6)^2 + (x^2-2x+0.8)^4)
cb = (vs, i, l)->println("$i, $l")
sess = Session(); init(sess)
NLOPT!(sess, loss, vars=[x], callback = cb, algorithm = :LD_TNEWTON)