Visualization with Plotly

Starting from v0.7.2, Plotly plotting backend is included in ADCME. is an open source software for visualizing interactive plots based on web technologies. ADCME exposes several APIs of Plotly: Plotly, Layout, and common graph objects, such as Scatter.

In Plotly, each figure consists of data–-a collection of traces–-and layout, whcih is constructed using Layout. The basic workflow for creating plotly plots is

  • Create a figure object. For example:
fig = Plot()

In the case of subplots within a single figure, use

fig = Plot(3, 1) # 3 x 1 subplots
  • Create traces using add_trace methods of fig. For example
x = LinRange(0, 2π, 100)
y1 = sin.(x)
y2 = sin.(2*x)
y3 = sin.(3*x)
fig.add_trace(Scatter(x=x, y=y1, name = "Line 1"), row = 1, col = 1)
fig.add_trace(Scatter(x=x, y=y2, name = "Line 2"), row = 2, col = 1)
fig.add_trace(Scatter(x=x, y=y3, name = "Line 3"), row = 3, col = 1)
  • Update layout or properties
fig.layout.yaxis.update(title = "Y Axis")
fig.layout.update(hovermode="x unified", showlegend = false)[1].update(hovertemplate = """<b>%{y:.2f}</b>""")
  • Visualize or save to files
data = fig.to_dict()
fig.write_html("figure.html", full_html = false) # save to HTML

We can create a figure from dictionary as well.

fig = Plot(data)