Install ADCME Docker Image
For users who do not want to deal with installing and debugging dependencies, we also provide a Docker image for ADCME. Docker creates a virtual environment that isolates ADCME and its dependencies from the rest of the system. To install ADCME through docker, the user system must
- have Docker installed;
- have sufficient space (at least 5G).
After docker has been installed, ADCME can be installed and launched via the following line (users do not have to install Julia separately because the Docker container is shipped with a compatible Julia binary)
docker run -ti kailaix/adcme
This will fire a Julia prompt, which already includes precompiled ADCME.
For users who want to open a terminal, run
docker run -ti kailaix/adcme bash
This will launch a terminal where users can type julia
to open a Julia prompt.
- To detach from the docker environment without suspending the process, press
Ctrl-p Ctrl-q
. To re-attach the process, first find the corresponding container ID
docker ps -a
docker container attach <container_id>
Or start a new bash from the same container
docker exec -ti <container_id> bash
- To share a folder with the host file system (e.g., share persistent data), use
to attach a volume:
docker run -ti -v "/path/to/host/folder:/path/to/docker/folder" kailaix/adcme bash
- Create a new docker image containing all changes:
docker commit <container_id> <tag>
- Build and upload (change
to your own repository)
docker build -t kailaix/adcme .
docker run -ti kailaix/adcme
docker push kailaix/adcme
The current directory should have a Dockerfile:
FROM adcme:<tag>
CMD ["/julia-1.6.1/bin/julia"]
- Clean up docker containers
docker system prune