ADCME Basics: Tensor, Type, Operator, Session & Kernel

Tensors and Operators

Tensor is a data structure for storing structured data, such as a scalar, a vector, a matrix or a high dimensional tensor. The name of the ADCME backend, TensorFlow, is also derived from its core framework, Tensor. Tensors can be viewed as symbolic versions of Julia's Array.

A tensor is a collection of $n$-dimensional arrays. ADCME represents tensors using a PyObject handle to the TensorFlow Tensor data structure. A tensor has three important properties

  • name: Each Tensor admits a unique name.
  • shape: For scalars, the shape is always an empty tuple (); for $n$-dimensional vectors, the shape is (n,); for matrices or higher order tensors, the shape has the form (n1, n2, ...)
  • dtype: The type of the tensors. There is a one-to-one correspondence between most TensorFlow types and Julia types (e.g., Int64, Int32, Float64, Float32, String, and Bool). Therefore, we have overloaded the type name so users have a unified interface.

An important difference is that tensor object stores data in the row-major while Julia's default for Array is column major. The difference may affect performance if not carefully dealt with, but more often than not, the difference is not relevant if you do not convert data between Julia and Python often. Here is a representation of ADCME tensor

There are 4 ways to create tensors.

  • constant. As the name suggests, constant creates an immutable tensor from Julia Arrays.
  • Variable. In contrast to constant, Variable creates tensors that are mutable. The mutability allows us to update the tensor values, e.g., in an optimization procedure. It is very important to understand the difference between constant and Variable: simply put, in inverse modeling, tensors that are defined as Variable should be the quantity you want to invert, while constant is a way to provide known data.
  • placeholder. placeholder is a convenient way to specify a tensor whose values are to be provided in the runtime. One use case is that you want to try out different values for this tensor and scrutinize the simulation result.
placeholder(Float64, shape=[10,10])
placeholder(rand(10)) # default value is `rand(10)`
  • SparseTensor. SparseTensor is a special data structure to store a sparse matrix. Although it is not very emphasized in machine learning, sparse linear algebra is one of the cores to scientific computing. Thus possessing a strong sparse linear algebra support is the key to success inverse modeling with physics based machine learning.
using SparseArrays
SparseTensor([1,2,3],[2,2,2],[0.1,0.3,0.5],3,3) # specify row, col, value, number of rows, number of columns

Now we know how to create tensors, the next step is to perform mathematical operations on those tensors.

Operator can be viewed as a function that takes multiple tensors and outputs multiple tensors. In the computational graph, operators are represented by nodes while tensors are represented by edges. Most mathematical operators, such as +, -, * and /, and matrix operators, such as matrix-matrix multiplication, indexing and linear system solve, also work on tensors.

a = constant(rand(10,10))
b = constant(rand(10))
a + 1.0 # add 1 to every entry in `a`
a * b # matrix vector production
a * a # matrix matrix production
a .* a # element wise production
inv(a) # matrix inversion


With the aforementioned syntax to create and transform tensors, we have created a computational graph. However, at this point, all the operations are symbolic, i.e., the operators have not been executed yet.

To trigger the actual computing, the TensorFlow mechanism is to create a session, which drives the graph based optimization (like detecting dependencies) and executes all the operations.

a = constant(rand(10,10))
b = constant(rand(10))
c = a * b
sess = Session()
run(sess, c) # syntax for triggering the execution of the graph

If your computational graph contains Variables, which can be listed via get_collection, then you must initialize your graph before any run command, in which the Variables are populated with initial values



The kernels provide the low level C++ implementation for the operators. ADCME augments users with missing features in TensorFlow that are crucial for scientific computing and tailors the syntax for numerical schemes. Those kernels, depending on their implementation, can be used in CPU, GPU, TPU or heterogenious computing environments.

All the intensive computations are done either in Julia or C++, and therefore we can achieve very high performance if the logic is done appropriately. For performance critical part, users may resort to custom kernels using customop, which allows you to incooperate custom designed C++ codes.


ADCME performances operations on tensors. The actual computations are pushed back to low level C++ kernels via operators. A session is need to drive the executation of the computation. It will be easier for you to analyze computational cost and optimize your codes with this computation model in mind.

Tensor Operations

Here we show a list of commonly used operators in ADCME.

Constant creationconstant(rand(10))
Variable creationVariable(rand(10))
Get sizesize(x)
Get size of dimensionsize(x,i)
Get lengthlength(x)
Vector indexingv[1:3],v[[1;3;4]],v[3:end],v[:]
Matrix indexingm[3,:], m[:,3], m[1,3],m[[1;2;5],[2;3]]
Index relative to endv[end], m[1,end]
Extract row (most efficient)m[2], m[2,:]
Extract columnm[:,3]
Convert to dense diagonal matrixdiagm(v)
Convert to sparse diagonal matrixspdiag(v)
Extract diagonals as vectordiag(m)
Elementwise multiplicationa.*b
Matrix (vector) multiplicationa*b
Matrix transposem'
Dot productsum(a*b)
Average all elementsmean(x)
Average along dimensionmean(x, dims=1)
Maximum/Minimum of all elementsmaximum(x), minimum(x)
Squeeze all single dimensionssqueeze(x)
Squeeze along dimensionsqueeze(x, dims=1), squeeze(x, dims=[1;2])
Reduction (along dimension)norm(a), sum(a, dims=1)
Elementwise Multiplicationa.*b
Elementwise Powera^2