Advanced: Custom Operators
As a reminder, there are many built-in custom operators in deps/CustomOps
and they are good resources for understanding custom operators. The following is a step-by-step instruction on how custom operators are implemented.
The Need for Custom Operators
Custom operators are ways to add missing features or improve performance critical components in ADCME. Typically users do not have to worry about custom operators and performance of prototypes is in general pretty good. However, in the following situation custom opreators might be very useful
- Direct implementation in ADCME is inefficient, e.g., vectorizing some codes is difficult.
- There are legacy codes users want to reuse, such as Fortran libraries.
- Special acceleration techniques, such as checkpointing scheme, MPI-enabled linear solvers, and FPGA/GPU-accelerated codes.
Build Custom Operators
In the following, we present an example of implementing a sparse solver for $Au=b$ as a custom operator.
Input: row vector ii
, column vectorjj
and value vector vv
for the sparse coefficient matrix $A$; row vector kk
and value vector ff
for the right hand side $b$; the coefficient matrix dimension is $d\times d$
Output: solution vector $u\in \mathbb{R}^d$
Step 1: Create and modify the template file
The following command helps create the wrapper
There will be a custom_op.txt
in the current directory. Modify the template file
int32 ii(?)
int32 jj(?)
double vv(?)
int32 kk(?)
double ff(?)
int32 d()
double u(?) -> output
The first line is the name of the operator. It should always be in the camel case.
The 2nd to the 7th lines specify the input arguments, the signature is type
+variable name
. For the shape, ()
corresponds to a scalar, (?)
to a vector and (?,?)
to a matrix. The variable names must be in lower cases. Additionally, the supported types are: int32
, int64
, float
, double
, bool
and string
The last line is the output, denoted by -> output
(do not forget the whitespace before and after ->
If there are non-real type outputs, the corresponding top gradients input to the gradient kernel should be removed.
Step 2: Implement the kernels
Run customop()
again and there will be CMakeLists.txt
, gradtest.jl
, MySparseSolver.cpp
appearing in the current directory. MySparseSolver.cpp
is the main wrapper for the codes and gradtest.jl
is used for testing the operator and its gradients. CMakeLists.txt
is the file for compilation.
Create a new file MySparseSolver.h
and implement both the forward simulation and backward simulation (gradients)
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Sparse>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/SparseLU>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> SpMat; // declares a column-major sparse matrix type of double
typedef Eigen::Triplet<double> T;
SpMat A;
void forward(double *u, const int *ii, const int *jj, const double *vv, int nv, const int *kk, const double *ff,int nf, int d){
vector<T> triplets;
Eigen::VectorXd rhs(d); rhs.setZero();
for(int i=0;i<nv;i++){
for(int i=0;i<nf;i++){
rhs[kk[i]-1] += ff[i];
A.resize(d, d);
A.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end());
auto C = Eigen::MatrixXd(A);
Eigen::SparseLU<SpMat> solver;
auto x = solver.solve(rhs);
for(int i=0;i<d;i++) u[i] = x[i];
void backward(double *grad_vv, const double *grad_u, const int *ii, const int *jj, const double *u, int nv, int d){
Eigen::VectorXd g(d);
for(int i=0;i<d;i++) g[i] = grad_u[i];
auto B = A.transpose();
Eigen::SparseLU<SpMat> solver;
auto x = solver.solve(g);
// cout << x << endl;
for(int i=0;i<nv;i++) grad_vv[i] = 0.0;
for(int i=0;i<nv;i++){
grad_vv[i] -= x[ii[i]-1]*u[jj[i]-1];
In this implementation we have used Eigen
library for solving sparse matrix. Other choices are also possible, such as algebraic multigrid methods. Note here for convenience we have created a global variable SpMat A;
. This is not recommend if you want to run the code concurrently, since the variable A
must be overwritten by another concurrent thread.
Step 3: Compile
It is recommended that you use the cmake
, make
and gcc
provided by ADCME
. The binary locations can be found via
Variable | Description |
ADCME.CXX | C++ Compiler |
ADCME.CC | C Compiler |
ADCME.TFLIB | location |
ADCME.CMAKE | Cmake binary location |
ADCME.MAKE | Make binary location |
ADCME will properly handle the environment variable for you. So we always recommend you to compile custom operators using ADCME functions:
First cd
into your custom operator director (where CMakeLists.txt
is located), create a directory build
if it doesn't exist, cd
into build
, and do
julia> using ADCME
julia> ADCME.cmake()
julia> ADCME.make()
Based on your operation system, you will create libMySparseSolver.{so,dylib,dll}
. This will be the dynamic library to link in TensorFlow
Step 4: Test
Finally, you could use gradtest.jl
to test the operator and its gradients (specify appropriate data in gradtest.jl
first). If you implement the gradients correctly, you will be able to obtain first order convergence for finite difference and second order convergence for automatic differentiation. Note you need to modify this file first, e.g., creating data and modifying the function scalar_function
If the process fails, it is most probable the GCC compiler is not compatible with which was used to compile libtensorflow_framework.{so,dylib}
. ADCME downloads a GCC compiler via Conda for you. However, if you follow the above steps but encounter some problems, we are happy to resolve the compatibility issue and improve the robustness of ADCME. Submitting an issue is welcome.
Build GPU Custom Operators
To create a GPU custom operator, you must have an NVCC compiler and a CUDA toolkit installed on your system. To install NVCC, see the installation guide. To check you have successfully installed NVCC, type
which nvcc
It should gives you the location of nvcc
For quick installation of other dependencies, you can try
ENV["GPU"] = 1"ADCME")
Manual Installation
In case
- To install CUDA toolkit (if you do not have one), you can install via conda
using Conda
Conda.add("cudatoolkit", channel="anaconda")
- The next step is to cp the CUDA include file to tensorflow include directory. This could be done with
using ADCME
gpus = joinpath(splitdir(tf.__file__)[1], "include/third_party/gpus")
if !isdir(gpus)
gpus = joinpath(gpus, "cuda")
if !isdir(gpus)
incpath = joinpath(splitdir(strip(read(`which nvcc`, String)))[1], "../include/")
if !isdir(joinpath(gpus, "include"))
mv(incpath, gpus)
- Finally, add the CUDA library path to
. This can be done by adding the following line to.bashrc
where <path>
joinpath(Conda.ROOTENV, "pkgs/cudatoolkit-10.1.168-0/lib/")
File Organization
There should be three files in your source directories
: driver
: GPU implementationMyOp.h
: CPU implementation
The first two files have been generated for you by customop()
. The following are two important notes on the implementation.
- In
, the implementation usually has the structure
namespace tensorflow{
typedef Eigen::GpuDevice GPUDevice;
__global__ void forward_(const int nthreads, double *out, const double *y, const double *H0, int n){
for(int i : CudaGridRangeX(nthreads)) {
// do something here
void forwardGPU(double *out, const double *y, const double *H0, int n, const GPUDevice& d){
// forward_<<<(n+255)/256, 256>>>(out, y, H0, n);
GpuLaunchConfig config = GetGpuLaunchConfig(n, d);
forward_, config.block_count, config.thread_per_block, 0,, config.virtual_thread_count, out, y, H0, n));
- In
, the device information (const GPUDevice& d
above) is obtained with
for(int i : CudaGridRangeX(nthreads))
is interpreted as
for (int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; index < nthreads; index += blockDim.x * gridDim.x)
and the kernel launch semantic is equivalent to
forward_<<<config.block_count, config.thread_per_block, 0,>>>(config.virtual_thread_count,
out, y, H0, n);
Mutable Inputs
Sometimes we want to modify tensors in place. In this case we can use mutable inputs. Mutable inputs must be Variable
and it must be forwarded to one of the output. We consider implement a my_assign
operator, with signature
my_assign(u::PyObject, v::PyObject)::PyObject
Here u
is a Variable
and we copy the data from v
to u
. In the MyAssign.cpp
file, we modify the input and output specifications to
.Input("u : Ref(double)")
.Input("v : double")
.Output("w : Ref(double)")
In addition, the input tensor is obtained through
Tensor u = context->mutable_input(0, true);
The second argument lock_held
specifies whether the input mutex is acquired (false) before the operation. Note the output must be a Tensor
instead of a reference.
To forward the input, use
We use the following code snippet to test the program
my_assign = load_op("./build/libMyAssign","my_assign")
u = Variable([0.1,0.2,0.3])
v = constant(Array{Float64}(1:3))
u2 = u^2
w = my_assign(u,v)
sess = tf.Session()
@show run(sess, u)
@show run(sess, u2)
@show run(sess, w)
@show run(sess, u2)
The output is
We can see that the tensors depending on u
are also aware of the assign operator. The complete programs can be downloaded here: CMakeLists.txt, MyAssign.cpp, gradtest.jl.
Third-party Plugins
ADCME also allows third-party custom operators hosted on Github. To build your own custom operators, implement your own custom operators in a Github repository. The root directory of the repository should have the following files
, which tells how ADCME should interact with the custom operator. It is a Julia Pair, which has the formatsignature => (source_directory, library_name, signature, has_gradient)
For example
"ot_network"=>("OTNetwork", "libOTNetwork", "ot_network", true)
, which is used for compiling the library.
Users are free to arrange other source files or other third-party libraries.
Upon using those libraries in ADCME, users first download those libraries to deps
directory via
The official plugins are hosted on
. To get access to the custom operators in ADCME, use
op = load_system_op("OTNetwork")
Batch Build
At some point, you might have a lot of custom operators. Building one-by-one will take up too much time. To reduce the building time, you might want to build all the operators all at once concurrently. To this end, you can consider batch build by using a common CMakeLists.txt. The commands in the CMakeLists.txt are the same as a typical custom operator, except that the designated libraries are different
# ... The same as a typical CMake script ...
# Specify all the library paths and library names.
set(LIBDIR_NAME VolumetricStrain ComputeVel DirichletBd
FemStiffness FemStiffness1 SpatialFemStiffness
SpatialVaryingTangentElastic Strain Strain1
StrainEnergy StrainEnergy1)
set(LIB_NAME VolumetricStrain ComputeVel DirichletBd
FemStiffness UnivariateFemStiffness SpatialFemStiffness
SpatialVaryingTangentElastic StrainOp StrainOpUnivariate
StrainEnergy StrainEnergyUnivariate)
# Copy and paste the following lines (no modification is required)
message("Total number of libraries to make: ${LIBLENGTH}")
message("Compiling ${IDX}th library: ${_LIB_DIR}==>${_LIB_NAME}")
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${_LIB_DIR}/build)
add_library(${_LIB_NAME} SHARED ${_LIB_DIR}/${_LIB_NAME}.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${_LIB_NAME} ${TF_LIB_FILE})
Here are some common errors you might encounter during custom operator compilation:
Q: The cmake output for the Julia path is empty.
A: Check whether which julia
outputs the Julia location you are using.
Q: The cmake output for Python path, Eigen path, etc., is empty.
Python path=
A: Update ADCME to the latest version and check whether or not the ADCME compiler string is empty
using ADCME
Q: Julia package precompilation errors that seem not linked to ADCME.
A: Remove the corresponding packages using using Pkg; Pkg.rm(XXX)
and reinstall those packages.
Q: Precompilation error linked to ADCME
ERROR: LoadError: ADCME is not properly built; run `"ADCME")` to fix the problem.
A: Build ADCME using"ADCME")
. Exit Julia and open Julia again. Check whether deps.jl
exists in the deps
directory of your Julia package (optional).