Heat Equation

The strong form of the initial/boundary-value problem of the heat equation is: given $f$, $u_0$, $q$, find $u:\bar\Omega\times [0,T]\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ such that

\[\begin{aligned} \rho\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} - \nabla\cdot(K\nabla u) &= f& \Omega\times (0,T)\\ u &= u_0 & \Gamma_D\times (0,T)\\ K\frac{\partial u}{\partial n} &= q& \Gamma_N\times (0,T) \end{aligned}\]

The corresponding weak form is: given $f$, $u_0$ and $q$ , find $u$, such that for all $w$

\[\int_\Omega \rho\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}\delta u \mathrm{d}x + \int_\Omega K\nabla u \cdot \nabla \delta u \mathrm{d} x = \int_\Omega f\delta u \mathrm{d} x + \int_{\Gamma_N} q \delta u \mathrm{d}x\]

The computational domain is as follows: the top side is the inflow boundary condition and the other sides are Dirichlet boundary condition.

We consider the manufactured solution

\[u(x, t) = (x_1^2+x_2^2)e^{-t}\quad \rho(x) = (1+x_1^2+x_2^2)\]


\[K = \begin{bmatrix} 2 & 1 \\ 1 & 2 \end{bmatrix}\]

Then we have

\[\begin{aligned} f(x) &= -(1+x_1^2+x_2^2)(x_1^2+x_2^2) e^{-t} - 8 e^{-t}\\ q(x) &= -(2x+4y)e^{-t} \end{aligned}\]
m = 40
n = 20
h = 0.01
bdedge = []
for i = 1:m 
  push!(bdedge, [i i+1])
bdedge = vcat(bdedge...)

bdnode = Int64[]
for j = 1:n+1
  push!(bdnode, (j-1)*(m+1)+1)
  push!(bdnode, (j-1)*(m+1)+m+1)
for i = 2:m
  push!(bdnode, n*(m+1)+i)

ρ = eval_f_on_gauss_pts((x,y)->1+x^2+y^2, m, n, h)
M = compute_fem_mass_matrix1(ρ, m, n, h)

K_ = [2.0 1.0
  1.0 2.0]
K = compute_fem_stiffness_matrix1(K_, m, n, h)

NT = 200
Δt = 1/NT 
A = M/Δt+K 
A, Abd = fem_impose_Dirichlet_boundary_condition1(A, bdnode, m, n, h)
U = zeros((m+1)*(n+1), NT+1)
for i = 1:m+1
  for j = 1:n+1
    x = (i-1)*h; y = (j-1)*h 
    U[(j-1)*(m+1)+i, 1] = x^2+y^2
for i = 1:NT 
  F = eval_f_on_gauss_pts((x,y)->(-(1+x^2+y^2)*(x^2+y^2)-8)*exp(-i*Δt), m, n, h)
  F = compute_fem_source_term1(F, m, n, h)

  T = eval_f_on_boundary_edge((x,y)->-(2*x+4*y)*exp(-i*Δt), bdedge, m, n, h)
  T = compute_fem_flux_term1(T, bdedge, m, n, h)

  rhs = F  + M*U[:,i]/Δt + T
  bdval = eval_f_on_boundary_node( (x,y)->(x^2+y^2)*exp(-i*Δt), bdnode, m, n, h)
  rhs[bdnode] = bdval
  U[:,i+1] = A\(
    rhs - Abd*bdval

Uexact = zeros(n+1,m+1)
for j = 1:n+1
  for i = 1:m+1
    x = (i-1)*h; y = (j-1)*h 
    Uexact[j, i] = (x^2+y^2)*exp(-1)
pcolormesh(reshape(U[:,end], m+1, n+1)'-Uexact); colorbar()