Automatic Differentiation

Data Structure

To facilitate implementing custom operators, we made a shared library for storing all FEM data structures that do not participate in automatic differentiation. In the shared library, there are mainly two data structures

  • domain

    class Domain{
        MatrixXd nodes;
        int neqs;
        int nnodes;
        int neles;
        int ngauss;


    • nodes: coordinates of all nodes, a $n_v\times 2$ matrix.
    • neqs: number of all active DOFs among $2n_v$ equations.
    • nnodes: number of nodes, $n_v$
    • neles: number of elements $n_e$, which is also the size of mesh vector (see below).
    • ngauss: total number of Gauss points. It is equal to getNGauss(domain) in Julia.
  • continuum

    class Continuum{
        VectorXi elnodes;
        MatrixXd coords;
        vector<MatrixXd> dhdx;
        Eigen::VectorXd weights;
        vector<VectorXd> hs;
        VectorXi el_eqns_active;
        VectorXi el_eqns;
        int nGauss;
        int nnodes;
        Continuum(const int *elnodes_, const double *coords_, 
            const double *dhdx_, const double *weights_, const double *hs_, int n_nodes, int n_gauss,
            const int *el_eqns_active, int n_active, const int *el_eqns);
    • elnodes: the global index of the nodes for this specific element, $n^e_v$.

    • coords: coordinates of the element vertices, it is of size $n^e_v\times2$

    • dhdx: a list (length = $n_g$) of $n_v^e\times 2$ matrices, representing the contribution of $\nabla \phi_i(x)$ to each nodes. $n_g$ is the number of Gauss points.

    • weights: weight vector of Gauss quadrature

    • hs: a list (length = $n_g$) of length $n_v^e $ vector, representing the contribution of $\phi_i(x)$ to each nodes. $n_g$ is the number of Gauss points.

    • el_eqns: global indices of active DOFs for each vertex and each direction ($u$ and $v$). It has length $2n_v^e$ and each value is within ${0,1,\ldots, 2n_v-1}$.

    • el_eqns_active: local indices of actives DOFs for each vertex and each direction ($u$ and $v$). It has length at most $2n_v^e$ and each value is within ${0,1,\ldots, 2n_v^e-1}$. A typical usuage is

      // fint: local internal force
      // Fint: global internal force
      for(int i = 0; i< elem.el_eqns_active.size(); i++){
        int ix = elem.el_eqns_active[i];
        int eix = elem.el_eqns[ix];
        Fint[eix] += fint[ix];

A Typical Simulation Routine

  1. Make an instance of Domain and GlobalData
  2. Assemble mass matrices using assembleMassMatrix!
  3. Compute boundary information using compute_boundary_info
  4. Compute the external force (body force + external load force + boundary-acceleration-induced force) using compute_external_force
  5. Compute initial $a_0$ using SolverInitial
  6. Invoke solver ExplicitSolver or GeneralizedAlphaSolver


using NNFEM

domain = example_domain()
globaldata = example_global_data(domain)
init_nnfem(domain)  # IMPORTANT: initialize the NNFEM session

# total number of gauss points
ngauss = length(domain.elements[1].weights) * domain.neles
H = constant(rand(ngauss, 3, 3)) # linear elasticity matrix 
K = s_compute_stiffness_matrix(H, domain) # stiffness matrix
assembleMassMatrix!(globaldata, domain)
M = SparseTensor(globaldata.M) # mass matrix

a = 0.1
b = 0.2
A = a * K + b * M

rhs = constant(rand(size(K,2)))
sol = A\rhs
  1. sol can be differentiated with respect to rhs
julia> gradients(sum(sol), rhs)
PyObject <tf.Tensor 'gradients_1/IdentityN_12_grad/SparseSolverGrad:3' shape=(242,) dtype=float64>
  1. sol can be differentiated with respect to H
julia> gradients(sum(sol), H)
PyObject <tf.Tensor 'gradients_2/IdentityN_11_grad/SmallContinuumStiffnessGrad:0' shape=(400, 3, 3) dtype=float64>

Given the stress stress, we can compute the internal force and evaluate its gradients

stress = constant(rand(ngauss, 3))
fint = s_compute_internal_force_term(stress, domain)
gradients(sum(fint), stress)


PyObject <tf.Tensor 'gradients_3/IdentityN_13_grad/SmallContinuumFintGrad:0' shape=(400, 3) dtype=float64>

Given the displacement, we can evaluate the strain and evaluate the gradients

state = constant(rand(domain.nnodes*2))
strain = s_eval_strain_on_gauss_points(state, domain)
gradients(sum(strain), state)


PyObject <tf.Tensor 'gradients_4/IdentityN_14_grad/SmallContinuumStrainGrad:0' shape=(242,) dtype=float64>