Simulaton Code Structure

We use the Newmark method or the generalized $\alpha$ scheme to solve the dynamics equation numerically.

\[m\ddot{ \mathbf{u}} + \gamma\dot{\mathbf{u}} + k\mathbf{u} = \mathbf{f}\]

The discretized form is

\[M\mathbf{a} + C\mathbf v + K \mathbf d = \mathbf F\]

For a detailed description of the generalized $\alpha$ scheme, see this post.

NNFEM.jl supports two types of boundary conditions, the Dirichlet boundary condition and the Neumann boundary condition. Both boundary conditions can be time independent or dependent. Read [] for how to specify time dependent boundary conditions and [] for how to specify time independent boundary conditions.

Here is a script for simulation using an explicit solver.

NT = 100
Δt = 1.0e-2
T = NT * Δt

m, n =  20, 10
h = 0.1

# Create a very simple mesh
elements = SmallStrainContinuum[]
prop = Dict("name"=> "PlaneStrain", "rho"=> 0.0876584, "E"=>0.07180760098, "nu"=>0.4)
coords = zeros((m+1)*(n+1), 2)
for j = 1:n
    for i = 1:m
        idx = (m+1)*(j-1)+i 
        elnodes = [idx; idx+1; idx+1+m+1; idx+m+1]
        ngp = 3
        nodes = [
            (i-1)*h (j-1)*h
            i*h (j-1)*h
            i*h j*h
            (i-1)*h j*h
        coords[elnodes, :] = nodes
        push!(elements, SmallStrainContinuum(nodes, elnodes, prop, ngp))

# fixed on the bottom, push on the right
EBC = zeros(Int64, (m+1)*(n+1), 2)
FBC = zeros(Int64, (m+1)*(n+1), 2)
g = zeros((m+1)*(n+1), 2)
f = zeros((m+1)*(n+1), 2)
for i = 1:m+1
    for j = 1:n+1
        idx = (j-1)*(m+1) + i 
        if j==n+1
            EBC[idx,:] .= -1
        if i==m+1 && j!=n+1
            FBC[idx,1] = -1
            f[idx,1] = -0.001
ndims = 2
domain = Domain(coords, elements, ndims, EBC, g, FBC, f)

Dstate = zeros(domain.neqs)
state = zeros(domain.neqs)
velo = zeros(domain.neqs)
acce = zeros(domain.neqs)
gt = nothing
ft = nothing
globdat = GlobalData(state, Dstate, velo, acce, domain.neqs, gt, ft)

assembleMassMatrix!(globdat, domain)
updateStates!(domain, globdat)

for i = 1:NT
@info i 
    global globdat, domain = ExplicitSolverStep(globdat, domain, Δt)

The explicit solver is implemented as follows

function ExplicitSolverStep(globdat::GlobalData, domain::Domain, Δt::Float64)
    u = globdat.state[:]
    ∂u  = globdat.velo[:]
    ∂∂u = globdat.acce[:]

    globdat.time  += Δt
    fext = getExternalForce(domain, globdat)

    u += Δt*∂u + 0.5*Δt*Δt*∂∂u
    ∂u += 0.5*Δt * ∂∂u
    domain.state[domain.eq_to_dof] = u[:]
    fint  = assembleInternalForce( globdat, domain, Δt)
    ∂∂up = globdat.M\(fext - fint)

    ∂u += 0.5 * Δt * ∂∂up

    globdat.Dstate = globdat.state[:]
    globdat.state = u[:]
    globdat.velo = ∂u[:]
    globdat.acce = ∂∂up[:]
    updateStates!(domain, globdat)

    return globdat, domain

We show the follow chart of the implementation. Note inside the ExplicitSolverStep function, the data is exchanged between globdat and domain. In general, globdat saves only the active components of the degrees of freedom (excluding Dirichlet boundary nodes) while domain maintains the full information.


Updating the Boundary Conditions

We give a short description on how the boundary conditions are tackled in NNFEM. In general, we have two kinds of boundary conditions; namely, they are Dirichlet boundary conditions (also known as essential boundary conditions) and Neumann boundary conditions (also known as natural boundary conditions). They can be both time dependent or time independent.

Dirichlet Boundary Conditions

The basic idea for tackling Dirichlet boundary conditions is to trim the coefficient matrices $M$ and $K$, and update the right hand side force vectors (consider a linear problem)

\[M \ddot \mathbf{u} + K \mathbf{u} = \mathbf{f}\]

We have

\[M_{II} {\ddot \mathbf{u}}_I + M_{ID} \ddot \mathbf{u}_D + K_{I:} \mathbf{u} = \mathbf{f}\]

Here $I$ stands for the active DOF, and $D$ stands for time-dependent Dirichlet boundary condition DOF. Note $\ddot\mathbf{u} = \mathbf{0}$ for time-independent Dirichlet nodes.

assembleMassMatrix! computes and stores M_{II} and M_{ID} in GlobalData. In the time stepping, when getExternalForce is called, $M_{ID} \ddot \mathbf{u}_D$ is computed and substracted from right hand side.

For the stiffness matrix $K_{I:} \mathbf{u}$, in every iteration, given a candidate $\mathbf{u}$, assembleStiffAndForce computes

\[K_{II}, K_{I:} \mathbf{u}\]

This information is sufficient to solve for $\ddot \mathbf{u}$ or $\mathbf{u}$.