There are two types of solvers: AD-free solvers, which does not support automatic differentiation but in general more efficient due to less bookkeeping; and AD-capable solvers, which has automatic differentiation so you can use them to solve inverse problems.
AD-free Solvers
AD-free solvers are located in src/fem/solvers/Solver.jl
and src/fem/solver/SolverV2.jl
. These solvers are implemented in pure Julia.
Consider a static linear elasticity problem
on a unit square domain $\Omega$. We can compare the result with PoreFlow.jl.
# generate MMS using the following code
# using SymPy
# x, y = @vars x y
# u = x*y*(1-y)
# v = x*(1-y)
# ux = diff(u, x)
# uy = diff(u, y)
# vx = diff(v, x)
# vy = diff(v, y)
# ε = [
# ux
# vy
# uy + vx
# ]
# H = domain.elements[1].mat[1].H
# σ = H*ε
# f1 = diff(σ[1], x) + diff(σ[3], y)
# f2 = diff(σ[3], x) + diff(σ[2], y)
using NNFEM
using PoreFlow
using PyPlot
m = 40
n = 40
h = 1/m
domain = example_domain(m, n, h)
x, y = domain.nodes[:,1], domain.nodes[:,2]
out = [@. x*y*(1-y)
@. x*(1-y)]
EBC = zeros(Int64,domain.nnodes, 2)
g = [(@. x*y*(1-y)) (@. x*(1-y))]
FBC = zeros(Int64,domain.nnodes,2)
f = zeros(domain.nnodes,2)
for j = 1:n+1
EBC[(j-1)*(m+1)+m+1, :] .= -1
EBC[(j-1)*(m+1)+1, :] .= -1
for i = 1:m+1
EBC[n*(m+1)+i, :] .= -1
EBC[i, :] .= -1
nodes, elements = domain.nodes, domain.elements
domain = Domain(nodes, elements, 2, EBC, g, FBC, f)
H = domain.elements[1].mat[1].H
EBC_func = nothing
FBC_func = nothing
function body_func(x, y, t)
f1 = @. -1.48148148148148x - 2.46913580246914
f2 = @. 2.46913580246914 - 4.93827160493827y
-[f1 f2]
globaldata = GlobalData(missing, missing, missing, missing, domain.neqs, EBC_func, FBC_func, body_func)
# PoreFlow Solver
@info "Solving using PoreFlow..."
bd = bcnode("all", m, n, h)
K = compute_fem_stiffness_matrix(H, m, n, h)
K, Kbd = fem_impose_Dirichlet_boundary_condition(K, bd, m, n, h)
ff = Kbd * domain.state[[bd; bd.+domain.nnodes]]
F1 = eval_f_on_gauss_pts((x,y)->-1.48148148148148x - 2.46913580246914, m, n, h)
F2 = eval_f_on_gauss_pts((x,y)-> 2.46913580246914 - 4.93827160493827y, m, n, h)
F = compute_fem_source_term(-F1, -F2, m, n, h)
rhs = F - ff
rhs[[bd; bd.+domain.nnodes]] = out[[bd; bd.+domain.nnodes]]
out2 = K\rhs
visualize_scalar_on_scoped_body(out2[1:domain.nnodes], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain)
visualize_scalar_on_scoped_body(out[1:domain.nnodes], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain)
visualize_scalar_on_scoped_body(out2[domain.nnodes+1:end], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain)
visualize_scalar_on_scoped_body(out[domain.nnodes+1:end], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain)
# NNFEM Solver
@info "Solving using NNFEM..."
globaldata, domain = LinearStaticSolver(globaldata, domain)
visualize_scalar_on_scoped_body(domain.state[1:domain.nnodes], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain)
visualize_scalar_on_scoped_body(out[1:domain.nnodes], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain)
visualize_scalar_on_scoped_body(domain.state[domain.nnodes+1:end], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain)
visualize_scalar_on_scoped_body(out[domain.nnodes+1:end], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain)
Here shows the result for PoreFlow (left: PoreFlow, right: Exact)
Here shows the result for NNFEM (left: NNFEM, right: Exact)
AD-capable Solvers
AD-capable solver are located in src/adutils/solvers.jl
. These solvers are implemented with highly optimized C++ kernels. The usage of these solvers are different from AD-free solvers, where all data structures are wrapped in domain
and globaldata
. Here users need to provide variables such as displacement, velocity, acceleration, stress, strain, etc., explicitly to the solvers. To this end, the following utiltity functions are provided:
A list of available:
We consider the same linear elasticity problem problem used in AD-free solvers.
```julia\nusing NNFEM using PoreFlow using PyPlot
m = 40 n = 40 h = 1/m domain = example_domain(m, n, h) x, y = domain.nodes[:,1], domain.nodes[:,2] out = [@. xy(1-y) @. x*(1-y)]
EBC = zeros(Int64,domain.nnodes, 2) g = [(@. xy(1-y)) (@. x*(1-y))] FBC = zeros(Int64,domain.nnodes,2) f = zeros(domain.nnodes,2)
for j = 1:n+1 EBC[(j-1)(m+1)+m+1, :] .= -1 EBC[(j-1)(m+1)+1, :] .= -1 end
for i = 1:m+1 EBC[n*(m+1)+i, :] .= -1 EBC[i, :] .= -1 end
nodes, elements = domain.nodes, domain.elements
domain = Domain(nodes, elements, 2, EBC, g, FBC, f) H = domain.elements[1].mat[1].H
EBCfunc = nothing FBCfunc = nothing
function bodyfunc(x, y, t) f1 = @. -1.48148148148148x - 2.46913580246914 f2 = @. 2.46913580246914 - 4.93827160493827y -[f1 f2] end globaldata = GlobalData(missing, missing, missing, missing, domain.neqs, EBCfunc, FBCfunc, bodyfunc)
NNFEM Solver
@info "Solving using AD-free solver..." globaldata, domain = LinearStaticSolver(globaldata, domain) figure(figsize=(10,10)) title("NNFEM") subplot(221) visualizescalaronscopedbody(domain.state[1:domain.nnodes], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain) subplot(222) visualizescalaronscopedbody(out[1:domain.nnodes], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain) subplot(223) visualizescalaronscopedbody(domain.state[domain.nnodes+1:end], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain) subplot(224) visualizescalaronscopedbody(out[domain.nnodes+1:end], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain)
@info "Solving using AD-capable solver..." domain = Domain(nodes, elements, 2, EBC, g, FBC, f) globaldata = GlobalData(missing, missing, missing, missing, domain.neqs, EBCfunc, FBCfunc, bodyfunc) Fext = computeexternal_force(globaldata, domain) d = LinearStaticSolver(globaldata, domain, domain.state, H, Fext) sess = Session(); init(sess) domain.state = run(sess, d)
figure(figsize=(10,10)) subplot(221) visualizescalaronscopedbody(domain.state[1:domain.nnodes], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain) subplot(222) visualizescalaronscopedbody(out[1:domain.nnodes], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain) subplot(223) visualizescalaronscopedbody(domain.state[domain.nnodes+1:end], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain) subplot(224) visualizescalaronscopedbody(out[domain.nnodes+1:end], zeros(size(domain.state)...), domain)```