Dynamic Problems

NNFEM can be used to solve the folowing dynamical problem

\[\ddot u - {\text{div}}\sigma = f, x\in \Omega \tag{1}\]

where $u$ is the 2D displacement vector, $\sigma$ is the stress, and $f$ is the body force. The dynamical equation is supplemented with two kinds of boundary conditions: Dirichlet boundary conditions and Neumann boundary conditions. For each type of conditions, we consider two types: time-dependent and time-independent. The following matrix shows all possible boundary conditions supported by NNFEM.

Time-independent$u(x,t) = u_1(x), x\in \Gamma_D^1$$\sigma(x,t)n(x) = t_1(x), x\in \Gamma_N^1$
Time-dependent$u(x,t) = u_2(x,t), x\in \Gamma_D^2$$\sigma(x,t)n(x) = t_2(x), x\in \Gamma_N^2$

The weak form of Equation 1 can be written as

\[\int_\Omega u \delta u dx + \int_\Omega \sigma :\delta \epsilon dx = \int_\Omega f \delta u dx + \int_{\Gamma_N} t \delta u dx \tag{2}\]


\[\int_{\Gamma_N} t \delta u dx =\int_{\Gamma_N^1} t_1 \delta u dx + \int_{\Gamma_N^2} t_2 \delta u dx\]

In NNFEM, the boundary information are marked in EBC and FBC arrays in the geometry information Domain, respectively. These arrays have size $n_v\times 2$, corresponding to $n_v$ nodes and $x$-/$y$-directions. $-1$ represents time-independent boundaries and $-2$ represents time-dependent boundaries. Time indepdent boundary conditions g and fext are precomputed and fed to Domain, while time independent bounary conditions can be evaluated online with EBC_func and FBC_func in GlobalData. In the case the external load is provided as $t(x,t) = \sigma(x,t)n(x)$, we can use Edge_func and Edge_Traction_Data to provide the information instead of FBC_func.

If we express Equation 2 in terms of matrices, we have

\[M \ddot{\mathbf{u}} + K (\mathbf{u}) = \mathbf{f} + \mathbf{t}\]

Here $K(\mathbf{u})$ can be nonlinear.

There are two solver implemented in NNFEM: the explicit solver and the generalized alpha solver. Both solvers support automatic differentiation for a linear $K$. The explicit solver also supports automatic differentiation for nonlinear $K$.

To get started, you can study the following examples. Most likely you only need to modify the script to meet your own needs.


In the following examples, we consider the following domain.


The manufactured is given by

\[u(x, y, t) = 0.1(1-y^2)(x^2+y^2) e^{-t}, v(x, y, t)=0.1(1-y^2)(x^2-y^2)e^{-t}\]

The domain for small strain can be constructed as follows

NT = 100
Δt = 1/NT 

n = 10
m = 2n 
h = 1/n

# Create a very simple mesh
elements = SmallStrainContinuum[]
prop = Dict("name"=> "PlaneStrain", "rho"=> 1.0, "E"=>2.0, "nu"=>0.35)
coords = zeros((m+1)*(n+1), 2)
for j = 1:n
    for i = 1:m
        idx = (m+1)*(j-1)+i 
        elnodes = [idx; idx+1; idx+1+m+1; idx+m+1]
        ngp = 3
        nodes = [
            (i-1)*h (j-1)*h
            i*h (j-1)*h
            i*h j*h
            (i-1)*h j*h
        coords[elnodes, :] = nodes
        push!(elements, SmallStrainContinuum(nodes, elnodes, prop, ngp))

Edge_Traction_Data = Array{Int64}[]
for i = 1:m 
  elem = elements[i]
  for k = 1:4
    if elem.coords[k,2]<0.001 && elem.coords[k+1>4 ? 1 : k+1,2]<0.001
      push!(Edge_Traction_Data, [i, k, 1])

for i = 1:n
  elem = elements[(i-1)*m+1]
  for k = 1:4
    if elem.coords[k,1]<0.001 && elem.coords[k+1>4 ? 1 : k+1,1]<0.001
      push!(Edge_Traction_Data, [(i-1)*m+1, k, 0])

Edge_Traction_Data = hcat(Edge_Traction_Data...)'|>Array

# fixed on the bottom, push on the right
EBC = zeros(Int64, (m+1)*(n+1), 2)
FBC = zeros(Int64, (m+1)*(n+1), 2)
g = zeros((m+1)*(n+1), 2)
f = zeros((m+1)*(n+1), 2)
for j = 1:n+1
    idx = (j-1)*(m+1) + m+1
    EBC[idx,:] .= -2 # time-dependent boundary, right
for i = 1:m+1
    idx = n*(m+1) + i 
    EBC[idx,:] .= -1 # fixed boundary, bottom

dimension = 2
domain = Domain(coords, elements, dimension, EBC, g, FBC, f, Edge_Traction_Data)

xy = domain.nodes[domain.dof_to_eq]
n_ = div(length(xy),2)
x = xy[1:n_,1]
y = xy[n_+1:end,1]
# Set initial condition 
Dstate = zeros(domain.neqs) # d at last step 
state = [(@. (1-y^2)*(x^2+y^2)); (@. (1-y^2)*(x^2-y^2))] * 0.1 
velo = -[(@. (1-y^2)*(x^2+y^2)); (@. (1-y^2)*(x^2-y^2))] * 0.1 
acce = [(@. (1-y^2)*(x^2+y^2)); (@. (1-y^2)*(x^2-y^2))] * 0.1 
gt = nothing
ft = nothing

EBC_DOF = findall(EBC[:,1] .== -2)
x_EBC = domain.nodes[EBC_DOF,1]
y_EBC = domain.nodes[EBC_DOF,2]
function EBC_func(t)
  out = [(@. 0.1*(1-y_EBC^2)*(x_EBC^2+y_EBC^2)*exp(-t));
    (@. 0.1*(1-y_EBC^2)*(x_EBC^2-y_EBC^2)*exp(-t))]
  out, -out, out

function Body_func_linear_elasticity(x, y, t)
    f1 = @. 0.987654320987654*x*y*exp(-t) + 0.592592592592593*y^2*exp(-t) + (0.1 - 0.1*y^2)*(x^2 + y^2)*exp(-t) - (0.148148148148148 - 0.148148148148148*y^2)*exp(-t) - (0.641975308641975 - 0.641975308641975*y^2)*exp(-t) - (-0.148148148148148*x^2 - 0.148148148148148*y^2)*exp(-t)
    f2 = @. 0.987654320987654*x*y*exp(-t) - 2.5679012345679*y^2*exp(-t) + (0.1 - 0.1*y^2)*(x^2 - y^2)*exp(-t) - (0.148148148148148 - 0.148148148148148*y^2)*exp(-t) - (-0.641975308641975*x^2 + 0.641975308641975*y^2)*exp(-t) - (0.641975308641975*y^2 - 0.641975308641975)*exp(-t)
    [f1 f2] 

FBC_func = nothing 
Edge_func = nothing
globaldata = GlobalData(state, Dstate, velo, acce, domain.neqs, EBC_func, FBC_func,Body_func_linear_elasticity, Edge_func)

The setting of the domain can be visualized as follows



At this point, we can precompute some quantities

x = domain.nodes[:,1]
y = domain.nodes[:,2]
d0 = [(@. (1-y^2)*(x^2+y^2)); (@. (1-y^2)*(x^2-y^2))] * 0.1 
v0 = -[(@. (1-y^2)*(x^2+y^2)); (@. (1-y^2)*(x^2-y^2))] * 0.1 
a0 = [(@. (1-y^2)*(x^2+y^2)); (@. (1-y^2)*(x^2-y^2))] * 0.1 
assembleMassMatrix!(globaldata, domain)